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Listening Time — 38:48

Older adult woman sitting on rocks.

One out of every two women, and one in four men, over 50 has low bone density. This means they are at risk for a bone fracture.

In this interview, physical therapist Sherri Betz describes the differences between osteoporosis, osteopenia, and osteoarthritis. She outlines how a physical therapist can help people build bone density, improve balance to avoid falls, and more.

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Read more about osteoporosis.

Sherri Betz 

Sherri R. Betz, PT, GCS, CEEAA, PMA-CPT, specializes in exercise programs for older adults. She is chair of the American Physical Therapy Association's bone health special interest group. She also is chair of the Pilates Method Alliance research committee. She was the physical therapist for the San Jose Sharks, nationally-ranked figure skaters, and elite gymnasts.

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